Top 10 Greatest War Movies You Can’t Stop Watching
Wars are very destructive. Not only are they a disaster for the both parties of the conflict, but also they have within their ties stories of soldiers and their families. So, when embodied in movies, the stories of these pitiable people are focused on and then we touch their suffering in a true way. For you, a list of the top ten war movies is provided.
10 A Very Long Engagement
It is a French romantic war movie in 2004, it is directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet. It deals with an unreal story of a young woman’s distressed exploration for her fiancé who is probably killed during the World War I. The movie is an adaptation for a novel holds the same name, it was first published in 1991. Concerning rewards, the film was named for the Academy Award for Best Art Direction as well as Academy Award for Best Cinematography at the Oscars.
9 Full Metal Jacket
Actually, it is a war movie which is directed by Stanley Kubrick. It revolves around a platoon of U.S. Marines in their training in the Tet Offensive of the Vietnam War. Full Metal Jacket was positively received after being released. According to Rotten Tomatoes, the film score reached 94% after reviews of 70 critics, that ranked it with 8.4.
8 War Horse
War Horse is an American war movie released in 2011 and directed by Steven Spielberg. The movie is based on Michael Morpurgo children’s novel of which setting is before and during the World War I. Rotten Tomatoes states that War Horse was highly rated by 77% approval. War Horse achieved about $79,859,441 in the United States of America and $97,200,000 all over the world.
7 Braveheart
This historical war movie is directed by Mel Gibson. Gibson is also the star of the movie portraying William Wallace, a Scottish warrior leading the Scots in the First War of Scottish Independence in opposition to King Edward I of England. The movie gained $9,938,276 locally. On the international level, the movie gained $210,409,945.
6 The Bridge on the River Kwai
It is a World War II movie which is directed by David Lean, the movie is an adaptation for Le Pont de la Rivière Kwai by Pierre Boulle. It was extensively praised, as it won 7 Academy Awards. This film was regarded as culturally, and aesthetically important and it is nominated for protection in the Library of Congress of the United States.
5 Inglourious Basterds
Inglourious Basterds is a war movie which is written by Quentin Tarantino. It revolves around the fictional story of two plans to kill Nazi Germany’s political leader, the first was put by a young French Jewish cinema proprietor and the second by a panel of Jewish-American soldiers headed by Aldo Raine.
4 Apocalypse Now:
The movie is an American war movie, whose setting is during the Vietnam War. The story is about the main character Benjamin L. Willard, a U.S. Army special operations officer and on an assignment to execute the traitor Colonel Walter E. Kurtz U.S. Army Special Forces. Indeed, Apocalypse Now revenues at the box office are high when released in 1979.
3 Midway
This movie is released is in 1976 and directed by Jack Smight. It was regarded as a concluding anachronistic endeavor to summon up the grandeur of the World War II in a fundamentally distorted geopolitical age.
2 The Message
The movie is directed by Moustapha Akkad to record the life of Prophet Muhammad. It was released in Arabic 1976 and then in English in the following year. The Message focuses on the early Islamic history. Moreover, it was picked up for an Oscar in 1977 for its Best Music.
1 Saving Private Ryan
Saving Private Ryan is an American movie dealing with the Invasion of Normandy in the World War II. It records the story of Captain John H. Miller, the United States Army Rangers and others who look for a paratrooper called James Francis Ryan.