Most Expensive

Here are the latest top 10 most expensive lists in the world. Updated lists of everything highest expensive things, products and services, most luxurious houses lists and real estate trends. Our lists include watches, schools, jewelry pieces, fashion things and more.

Top 10 Most Expensive Players In Football History

What is the meaning of a transfer according to the field of professional football? It means the action that the football player takes to move from one club to another with a contract. There is…

Top 10 Destinations on a Europe Cruise

A luxury cruise is a gateway to an unusual, unforgettable vacation. Cruising to European destinations is a journey to lands of a rich blend of nature, history, and cultures. Whether heading northern or southern European…

Top 10 World’s Most Expensive Cars to Own

Cars are sometimes considered a sign of wealth and luxury. When you see someone who drives a luxurious car, you will instantly guess that s\he is a very wealthy person. Most of the cars that…

Top 10 Most Expensive Houses in the USA

A house is the most important and priciest asset for every individual. And most people do not deal with the house only as a place for living but as a property. The biggest real estate…

Top 10 Most Expensive Smartphones in The World

We are already halfway of this year, so the progress of technology is no longer surprising to each of us unless they are deciding to invent some flying cars anytime soon; that one would be…

Top 10 Most Expensive Bed Sheets in the World

Imagine lying on your bed, drinking hot chocolate and watching television, rubbing your back against Egyptian cotton and soft threads combined in one of the most expensive and the softest bed sheet in the world.…

Top 10 Most Expensive Pearls in the World

Appreciating the value of beauty has always been a human trait. Who does not contemplate God’s beautiful creations. But, when it comes to women, the level of appreciation goes upwards, as women value jewelry: diamonds,…

Top 10 Most Expensive Car Accidents in the USA

Car accidents are never pleasant, especially if you end up with injuries, hurting someone or having your car completely wrecked. There are always damages going hand in hand with car crashes, but what about those…

Top 10 Most Expensive Antiques in The World

Pass by any gallery and ponder about the antiques and valuable items there. You will get amazed at the prices, but you will see that they are null compared to the items on this list.…

Top 10 Most Expensive Smartphones Till Now

Smartphones are of great priority these days. No matter how costly they are, many still purchase them. It might seem an exaggeration, but smartphones can hold nearly your entire life; your schedules, personal e-mails, and…

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