Most Expensive

Here are the latest top 10 most expensive lists in the world. Updated lists of everything highest expensive things, products and services, most luxurious houses lists and real estate trends. Our lists include watches, schools, jewelry pieces, fashion things and more.

Top 10 Most Expensive Women’s Perfumes

Purchasing different items which are costly to the extent that they may be unaffordable for some people is believed to be the right thing. These expensive items are thought to be of high quality and…

Top 10 Most Expensive Dogs in The World

Dogs are widely considered as the best friends for man. They are even better than some human friends who are in fact less than animals in their nature, loyalty and honesty. Those best friends, “dogs”,…

Top 10 World’s Most Expensive Houses

We do our best and try to earn money to be able to find a beautiful home to live in and spend our time in. We spend a lot of money getting this place in…

Top 10 Most Expensive Celebrity Homes

Living a luxurious life is one of the best things that you can do if you are paid a lot of money. So, how will you feel when you live in a home that costs…

Top 10 Most Luxurious Flights in the World

There are lots of possible challenges you can face while trying to travel by air using a cheap airline to your favorite destinations around the world. These could be too much stress, almost zero special…

Top 15 Most Expensive Bikes in the World

Most people believe that bikes are majorly to aid movements from one place to another. If you happen to be amongst such persons, it is fair enough to conclude that you are wrong because there…

Top 10 Most Expensive Mushrooms in the World

Mushrooms have different uses for centuries due to the health benefits which they have been discovered to provide. They used to grow by chance around environments without being used. But this changed in 1652 as…

The 15 Highest Expensive Pens Worldwide

Most people believe that the advent of computers will make pens irrelevant. This was by no means the case, as people still send different types of messages through writing on paper. Perhaps this is where…

Top 10 Most Expensive Liquids in the World

There are different types of liquids in the world. These have been produced or manufactured to meet a one need or another. However, note that there are expensive liquids that have been manufactured over the…

Top 10 Most Expensive Hotels in The World

If you are one of those interested in traveling and fond of exploring different countries across the world, if you are searching for luxury on your trip, then you have to concentrate on the hotel…

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