Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities in America
It is difficult to find a country which is completely safe and does not have places in which crimes are committed or even its people are threatened without being killed. The United States is among these countries which are not completely safe as there are some American cities which are known to be very dangerous and are not recommended to you to live in. The question is what are these countries and why are they dangerous? There are many problems from which the most dangerous cities in America suffer such as poverty, bad economic conditions, conflicts between gangs, drug trade and other problems that increase the rate of violent crimes. To know more about these cities, take a look at the following top 10 most dangerous cities in America.
10 Buffalo
The population of this city is estimated to be approximately 262.484 and the rate of violent crime records 1.238 per 100.000 to be the lowest on the list of top 10 most dangerous cities in America. Violent crimes in this city are caused by the high poverty rate and the conflict between gangs
9 Cleveland
It has a population of about 397.106 and it suffers from several problems such as poverty, bad economic conditions and drug trade to make the violent crime rate becomes 1.363 per 100.000 residents.
8 Stockton
Stockton’s population is estimated to be nearly 295.136 and it has many problems which are caused by bankruptcy that increased the rate of violent crime to be 1.408 per 100.000 residents.
The population of Baltimore is approximately 626.848 and it has many problems that lead to violent crimes such as poverty and drug trade that are enough for making the violent crime rate records 1.417 per 100.000 residents.
6 Atlanta
It has a total population of 425.433 and the violent crime rate that it records is approximately 1.433 per 100.000 residents to be higher than it was before. The problems from which the city suffers and are responsible for increasing the violent crime rate are robbery, assault and drug trade.
Its total population is around 213.258 and the major problems from which it suffers are high poverty level and drug trade which are enough for making the violent crime rate reaches 1.483 per100.000 residents.
The population of Memphis is estimated to be about 652.725. The violent crime rate in this city fell down, however it still records 1.583 per 100.000 residents.
It has a total population of approximately 395.317. The residents of the city suffer from poverty, robbery and drug trade which are enough for making the rate of violent crimes reaches 1.683 per 100.000 residents.
The total population of St. Louis is estimated to be approximately 320.454. The major problems from which the city suffers are murder, drug trade and other violent crimes that are related to trading drug to make the violent crime rate records 1.857 per 100.000 residents.
It is ranked as the most dangerous city in the United States to be placed at the top of the list. Detroit has a population of nearly 731.239 to be the most populous city in the State of Michigan. The reason of rating Detroit as the most dangerous city in America results from the high rate of violent crime that records 2.137 per 100.000 residents. There are several problems from which the city suffers such as assault, rape, murder, robbery and other violent crimes that are committed by gangs.