Top 10 Creative Entrepreneur Ideas for Kids & Teenagers
So, is the summer vacation here already? As a parent, you definitely would not like having your kid staying inside all day either watching TV or playing video games, and you surely will love if they do something more beneficial for them instead of complaining because they are too bored or have nothing to do. Well, in this case, you probably should consider engaging your kids in a little business activity that will aid in teaching them a lot of valuable perceptions in life. Besides, they will be happy for making money by themselves, but the main point should not be how much money they make, rather it is about developing some practical skills that are going to be useful in the long run. Your kid is going to learn how to manage money, deal with problems if he/ she happens to encounter any, and most importantly, they will develop great communication skills and learn how to deal with people. However, there are some things that you will need to take care of before starting on that little business.
The most important thing is knowing what your son’s or daughter’s passion is and encourage him/ her to pursue it, otherwise, they might lose interest along the way and ditch the whole thing, but if they are doing what they love, and have the right tools, they will definitely enjoy the experience. Assuming that you are not quite sure what your kid really wants to do, ask them to make a list of the things they love the most and then start from here. You should also consider any equipment or tools that they are going to need to get things done. Here, you will find a list of 10 new creative entrepreneur ideas that are perfect for kids to start with during their summer vacation.
10 Handmade crafts
Does your kid have miraculous hands that are capable of crafting beautifully designed stuff? If the answer is yes, then you should probably focus on making them work on their passion and talent by crafting nice stuff and selling them in the neighborhood or, thanks to the internet and the social media, they can promote their handmade things online and grab the attention of a lot of online users and that would definitely be better since they will not be limited to the neighbors. By stuff, we mean a lot of different ones such as accessories, varying from necklaces, bracelets, or anklets. This stuff could also be handmade baskets or gifts like dream catchers, souvenirs, or even key chains. Let their creativity burst out.
9 Artistry stuff
Some kids are born talented and you should never ever, by any means, ignore or suppress it; instead let it grow. Assuming your kid possesses magical hands and powerful mind capable of observing the smallest details and sketching that down on a blank paper, then you should help them get their business started from here; drawing beautiful pictures and portrays on canvas and sell them. They should show people the skills and talents they have and definitely there will be those who would love buying those portrays. A lot of people love getting their faces drawn. This idea is amazing for helping the kid earn money by his or her own effort as well as improving their skills in both art and business; it is killing two birds with one stone, so evoke that artist that is living inside your kid.
8 Tutoring services
Well, school is not always an interesting thing for kids, but we should not deny the fact that some kids are a bit nerdy, or are just better at some school subjects than the rest of their classmates. There are fewer chances for finding a kid who would love to help other kids with their homework when he/ she barely does his/ her own, but we should consider the fact that some kids do not hate school and actually love learning and exploring new ideas. If your kid happens to be good at a certain subject or a specific language, it will be very nice if he or she uses these skills to help other kids learn this subject or language. The perks of this idea are that it could be done all year long, and they will be limited to the summer vacation, but instead, it will be more useful during the school time since they can help their friends during the exams. Unleash that little teacher inside of your kid.
7 A smoothie corner
Here is one more successful business idea for your kid to start with; a little cornered stand for selling smoothies and cold drinks. Summer is usually an active season for a lot of people and it is commonly the best season when people enjoy a lot of outdoor activities, but there is one thing that people hate about it; the extreme heat. Some summer days actually come accompanying a heat that feels like your skin could literally melt away, so people will sure enjoy having a cold drink that feels like it refreshes their souls. In this case, your kid might need your help to get these delicious drinks prepared, or else they could just need some training, so they will be able to prepare them by themselves.
6 Pet care
Is your kid a pet lover? Well, a lot of kids actually love dogs, cats and other pets, in general. Whether your kid has their own pets or not, it is always a good idea to take care of the pets of your neighbors by walking or showering them, and they will definitely find a lot of busy people who have no time for taking care of their pets and would appreciate if someone does it for them. But do not forget to advise your kids to spend some time with the pet with the owner around, so they get to know the habits and behavior of the pet and learn how to deal with it if it happens to be a bit hostile.
5 Baking desserts or pastries
This idea is a bit popular, especially that people usually fall in love with all kinds of baking either desserts or pastries. If you have some free time, then help your kid bake some beautiful stuff, or let them look up the internet, since they sure are better internet users than you are, and let them try the recipes by themselves, but you should also be around to make sure your kids are not going to hurt themselves. These baking goods can vary from cupcakes, cookies and doughnuts or this stuff can also be pretzels and hot dog bites. Once your kids are done with these delicious meals, let them distribute them around the neighborhood or promote for them on the internet. They can also establish a good network with the people living around you, letting them know that they offer nice baking goods and can sell them upon their requests.
4 Photography
Is your kid a good photographer? If so, then he/she should use their photographing skills to earn money. Although we are currently living in the time of selfies and instant snaps, but some people still appreciate having their photos taken by a nice high-quality camera and by a professional photographer as well. Photography is not supposed to be limited to taking pictures of people only, but it can also include taking pictures of nature, architecture or even animals. Then your kid can offer these beautiful photos for sell on Etsy or eBay, and they will actually make a good couple of bucks and will also improve their photographing skills.
3 A video game center
A lot of today’s kids are, in point of fact, obsessed with video games and a lot of new devices have been brought into being throughout the last few years including PlayStation, Xbox, and Wii. A lot of kids and teens love spending hours playing those games, but not all of them can afford these devices, so if you can help your child have a small center where he welcomes all the young people living around to come and play, it will be a terrific idea for sure. In case you are not capable of renting a small center or store for your kid, you can just help them have a small building in the backyard where he can use his video gaming device and invite other kids to play for money.
2 Taxi service
This idea is definitely limited for teenagers who are capable of driving and have a license of doing so. Although young people are usually perceived as irresponsible and reckless when it comes to driving, your teenage kid can get a certified record that state he/she is a safe driver and an evidence that they were never involved in accidents, so that way people would trust them enough to let them drive them to their destinations safely with some bucks in return.
1 Social Media Consultant
In an advanced world of technology and internet, it is pretty normal to see that your kid, having grown up using technology, uses these devices effortlessly and doubtless so much better than you do. In fact, your kids might actually be the ones who teach you how to use the search engines to look things up, or how to post a picture or comment, so they actually will not need your help a lot in this area. They can go to stores and shops around your neighborhood and offer their services to promote their products online and produce catchy contents to attract more clients for them, and if these shops or stores owners are smart enough, they will surely accept their services.
During vacation, kids and young people usually seek different ways to have ultimate fun and we cannot deny that this is an important thing that they should never miss it out in their lives, but it is also nice to teach them valuable things in life and prepare them to the real world’s responsibilities. Let them be the successful people they are destined to be.