Top 10 Best Forensic Online Courses
Ever since the Internet technology was brought to being, the universe has witnessed a lot of steps forward and advancements. Our lives have become so fast that we can easily tell someone any thing on our minds or in our hearts, no matter where we or they are, with just little brushes from our thumbs on the screens, and we can also communicate with people who, literally, might be living on the other side of the planet. Thanks to the internet, the concept of having a virtual world has become part of our realities; you no longer have to see people or things to be assured that they are there because you already there photos or read about them. However, that does not stop some people from extracting the worst from every thing; surely the internet has been greatly misused, and just like everything else, it has its own disadvantages, and the greatest one that is noticed and lived by almost every internet addict is the fact that it is detaching us from our real world and turning us into creatures who are so immersed in their own virtual worlds instead.
In this topic we emphasize on a great advantage of the Internet; online education. Now, all the students from all around the world are capable of earning their degrees from universities that are not even on the same continent where they are living, for most of the universities have taken great benefit of what the internet has to offer and provided the students all around the globe with the opportunity to earn a degree in whatever major they desire without having to be physically available. One of the fields that have been so popular lately is forensic. A lot of students seem to be very interested in that mysterious world of investigations, crimes, and how the criminals’ brains are wired to function, and that is probably why a lot of universities have created online programs, specified to teach the principles of that major, to help them earn the degree that they want without having to attend physically. This list features the top 10 best forensics online courses provided by universities.
10 The University of Maryland University College
The university of Maryland University College has, as a matter of fact, designed an online program for those who want to earn a master’s degree in digital forensics. It is also one of the programs that enables the students to work on a double degree program, so they can earn both a master’s degree as well as an MBA. The program is made up of 36 hours of credit, consisting of six courses and each single course is worth 6 credit hours, and fortunately the students are not required to take any elective courses, but only the ones related to the forensics major including Cyber Security and Cyber Incident analysis and Response. They are also required to submit a final project at the end of the program.
9 Walden University
Walden University offers more than a few online courses that take account of Forensics and The Law. Since psychology plays a great part in investigations and the field of forensics, Walden University took advantage of that fact by enabling its students to earn a master’s degree of Science in Forensic Psychology. The program includes a lot of concentrations that include criminal justice, addiction, and other, more than a few, courses that have to do with the development of human beings in all stages of life. Walden University is also known to be one of the most affordable universities that offer such programs, so it is always considered by students who are seeking a higher degree through the internet.
8 Saint Leo University
Being certified by the School of Education and Social Services, Saint Leo University is offering an online program that is enabling the students to earn a B.A in Forensics Psychology. The program, on the whole, consists of a lot of courses that are needed for a thorough study of the field of forensics; these courses include Forensics Interviews & Interrogations, Criminal Justice, Introduction to Forensic Psychology, Courtroom Psychology, Forensic and Medico-Legal Death Investigation, Psychopathology of Criminal Behavior, and a lot more. For this reason, this program is deemed to be one of the best online courses that are available for those who are interested in forensics.
7 University of Advancing Technology
The online program of University of Advancing Technology enables students to earn their bachelor degree in Technology Forensics, and also offers multiple courses that include Computer Forensic Essentials and Security Essentials; these courses are supposed to help the students to learn using most of the important Forensics-related tools such as Encase Forensics, Passware Kit Forensics, and Chat Examiner. The whole program takes up to 120 weeks, and the students are allowed to choose when to start their course; they are permissible to choose whatever times that are suitable for them.
6 Chicago School of Professional Psychology
The higher learning commissions offer post-graduate programs in Chicago School of Professional Psychology. This program helps the students in earning a master’s degree of Arts in Forensic Psychology, and it basically takes almost about 80 weeks in total, which is considered a relatively short period of time to earn a master within. There are several courses included in that program, and some of them are Ethics, Diversity in Forensic Psychology and Substance Abuse Evaluation and Treatment, Psychopathology Mental Health Law, and a lot more.
5 Southern New Hampshire University
The Southern New Hampshire University is certified by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, and it is one of the best private universities that offer online services for students and makes it possible for themto earn a degree in psychology online. Although they do not offer a forensic major on its own, the major of psychology has 6 concentrations in which Forensic psychology is included and provided along with 5 other concentrations which are, Child and Adolescent Development, Social Psychology, Mental Health, Applied Psychology, and Addiction Studies. All of the previously stated courses aim to teach the students the outlines of criminal behaviors as well as the different classifications of psychosis and mental illnesses.
4 University of North Dakota
Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, the University of North Dakota offers the students an online program concerning the major of Forensic Psychology in which they can earn a master’s degree and the program’s period takes up almost 24 months to be done. In fact, these programs of the University of North Dakota are also considered among the most affordable ones. The course is available for students who are either living in the state or out of it; however, the only requirement it imposes is that students have to attend at least the very last session of their course. One more advantage is that the instruction starts either in August, fall semester, or in January, spring semester, just like the usual time when classes in schools and colleges begin, so your schedule is as organized as it always has been during all of your education years.
3 Florida Technical Institute
Florida Technical Institute actually offers about 5 different programs in psychology- related forensics major, which is, in essence, known as the Forensic Psychology program, that enables students to earn their bachelor degree online. The program is finished in a total of 121 credit hours, and fortunately it is ranked as one of the best as well as the most within your means online programs offered by one of the most educational institutions of good reputation.
2 University of the Southwest
The University of the Southwest is a private educational institution that is, like a lot of other reputable universities, certified by The Higher Learning Commission. For the most part, it was called Hobbs Baptist College, but for some reason it was renamed in 2008. All the program’s requirements are limited to being only online. The university offers four online different degrees in psychology that includes Forensic Psychology, and some of the courses taken are Juvenile Justice System, Criminology as well as Interviewing for Investigators.
1 University of Potomac
The University of Potomac offers the students an online program in which they can earn a bachelor degree specialized in Digital Forensic Major. The program offers two different levels; the lower level which takes about 27 credit hours to be done with and it includes courses equivalent to Network Security Management, Computer Forensics, and Cyber Law; besides, students of this level are requested to finish electives in which they get to choose according to their preferences and interests; the electives are worth of 24 credit hours, while the more advanced level takes about 30 credit hours along with the requirement to finish electives that are worth of only 18 credit hours.
The evolution of technology seems to have made the whole world a great favor. Thanks to the internet, we are all able to get higher degrees of education without having to attend any real classes or participate in any on-campus activities.