Athletes always rummage for ways and methods to improve their sports performance. These methods could be new exercises or diets to maintain their physical strength and healthy lifestyle. They also try to search for clothes and running shoes that will make it easier for them to move freely as the last thing they need is physical pain and discomfort. Nowadays, athletes face some problems associated with their vision, as their glasses may hinder their movements as if their body and energy were put in handcuffs, that’s why several athletes have resorted to wearing contact lenses that may help them improve their sports performance if they have not carried out a Lasik surgery.
Here are ten reasons why contact lenses have the potential to boost your sports performance.
10 Fewer Potential Injuries As far as one can remember, one day one found a group of teenagers playing soccer on a small soccer pitch. One player had glasses on, but unfortunately, his teammates were shocked when the young player fell. They were not in awe because he fell; they were used to such small accidents. They were frightened because their friend, of course, broke his glasses and the glasses may have hurt his eyes. So, why would we put ourselves in such a tight corner? The solution is easy and simple. Sports contact lenses like Nike Maxsight will save you the effort of worrying about your glasses getting broken in the middle of an important game. 9 Stable Vision Wearing glasses takes the blessing of having a normal and stable vision away. It feels like we are deprived of seeing the real world without frames surrounding it; the frames that make it seem artificial and unreal. If you are used to wearing glasses, you cannot overlook the frames that distribute your vision or ignore the dust that always smears your glasses and demands to be wiped a few times a day. Let’s not overlook the fact that whenever you run, you will feel like your glasses are about to fall off and you have to stop to fix them over your nose. All the mentioned steps and issues are not making your life any easier as an athlete. aren’t they? 8 Peripheral vision Why would you let yourself see the world through a narrow tube? Even if your central vision can be okay, you will suffer from lacking wide-angled field of vision. Widely known as ‘tunnel vision’, peripheral vision hinders you from viewing the world clearly. Trying to see in a dim-lit room will not be a piece of cake if you suffer from such vision. Luckily, contact lenses put an end to such problems as you will have a normal vision when you are able to see all the wide angles. 7 Eyes exposed to oxygen Contact lenses make you believe that there is no glass wall erected between your eyes and the world. So, everything is allowed; the world is at the tip of your hands and nothing is standing against your normal vision. As contact lenses never block oxygen. On the contrary, GP contact lenses allow your eyes to exposed to oxygen, which is healthy for your eyes, of course. 6 No Fog, no rain Winter is some athletes’ favorite season of the year. However, as a matter of fact, winter can be draining and a killjoy for some athletes and people in general; rain and fog render some of us upset as they smear our glasses and disturb our vision. So, of course, you will get perplexed whenever the sky sprinkles as it is confusing whether you need to continue playing and get to the games or you need to wipe your glasses every minute. 5 Used by world famous athletes If you do not know world-famous football players, you are apparently living under a rock. However, in this case, even if you are living under a rock, you will be familiar with the Portuguese player Christiano Ronaldo and his unbelievable skills and talent. But, you knowing that Ronaldo uses contact lenses is quite questionable; many people are not familiar with such fact. Not only does the Real Madrid famous player use it, but also Tennis player Novak Djokovic, NBA star Dwight Howard and Golfer Phil Mickelson cannot perform without it. 4 Goggles are not a problem Swimmers and divers may face severe problems when they go underwater as they may have difficulties with seeing. Of course, spectacles cannot be worn underwater and wearing goggles adds salt to the injury. So, here our beloved contact lenses save us and get us off our misery as you can wear your goggles without carrying of the spectacles. 3 A fence against UV rays Harmful ultraviolet radiation can wear out your eyes. It causes eye diseases, such as ocular tumours, macular degeneration, and cataracts. Outdoor water and snow greatly raise risks, so it is crucial to use contact lenses so they can cover the central part of your eyes so you won’t get exposed to the sun’s harmful UV rays. 2 Light won’t stop you Sometimes that light that comes from reflective surfaces messes up your vision, which is a case that only specialised contact lenses are capable of solving, something that regular glasses and bare eyes stand short to.Your contact lenses will lessen lens reflections while playing in a bright space with spotlights.
Whenever you wear photochromic lenses, the lenses will control the light the penetrates through your eyes; the lenses work on transitioning the light into dark lenses whenever your eyes are exposed to UV rays. 1 Meant for practicality For all those who face problems with their spectacles slipping off the nose, we know how you feel. You run, play, move and fight to get stopped by your glasses that need to be fixed on your nose. Not to mention how it is vexing when your glasses leave marks on both sides of your nose. Contact lenses are more practical when it comes to sports as you move freely without spectacles hindering your movements.
These are all reasons why contact lenses are essential ways to take care of your eyes. Whether you do sports or not, you are eyes are two precious jewels that you need to pamper and care about.
For such a crucial matter as getting rid of your glasses and wearing contact lenses, you cannot call the shots on your own; you have to consult your specialized optician. There are many websites and sources on which you can purchase contact lenses, but it is highly recommended to consult the optician before letting any lense touch your eyes.Tell us if you have experience with contact lenses enhancing your sports performance in the comment section down below.