Most Expensive

Here are the latest top 10 most expensive lists in the world. Updated lists of everything highest expensive things, products and services, most luxurious houses lists and real estate trends. Our lists include watches, schools, jewelry pieces, fashion things and more.

Top 10 Most Expensive Wedding Parties In The History

Every woman dreams with the moment of her wedding and gets confused about how will she organize it. Will it be a small party in the beach with the attendance of only the close friends…

Top 10 Most Expensive Pearl Jewelry Pieces Ever Sold at Auction

With their lustrous and unique beauty, pearls are truly priceless – but these next stunning jewelry pieces are the exception to the rule. These ten pearl-adorned creations are not only mesmerizing and spectacular in design,…

10 Most Expensive Celebrity Vacation Destinations that Will Blow Your Mind

One thing that has been common amongst celebrities over the years is a lifestyle of luxury. They have been known to want the very best out of what is available.  It could be living in…

Top 10 Most Expensive Private Jets in The World

In such an advanced world, there are definitely several means of transportation that help people reaching their destinations quickly and effortlessly, but not all of them are affordable. Actually, what you ride, fully depends on…

Top 10 Most Expensive Sunglasses in the World

Since we are living in an age where many want to look stylish and trendy, brands have deceptively made advantage of that and kept producing hundreds of pricey products. Sunglasses are fashion products that renowned…

List of the Most Luxurious World’s Apartments

Real estate has long been a promising way to invest. World real estate is a more valuable asset than all stocks, bonds, and debt securities combined. As of 2022, the total value of global real…

Top 10 Most Expensive Rare Books Sold

One can ask himself what makes a particular book an expensive one. The answer of this question could be: because the collectors of this book are great fans of the author of the book, or…

Top 10 Most Luxurious Watch Brands for Men

The origin of the wristwatch can be traced back to the 16th century. Times have changed since then, and we have made tremendous leaps in timekeeping technology as a result of which the new age…

Top 10 Most Expensive Cars in the World

The most expensive cars on the planet are something more than simple means of transportation. These are genuinely startling machines, aside from the lifestyle criticisms. A few names jump to mind when it comes to…

Top 10 Most Expensive Women’s Bags in The World … EXCLUSIVE!

Handbags and purses are among the most important accessories that are used by women to increase their beauty, to be fashionable and to accessorize what they wear. They are offered in various designs to suit…

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