Top 10 Most Expensive Rare Books Sold
One can ask himself what makes a particular book an expensive one. The answer of this question could be: because the collectors of this book are great fans of the author of the book, or the book are related to a major historical event, or because the book is very old. The collector of the rarest book can tell you as a reader that the word “old” means very, very old in the world of book collecting. Some books were considered rare not because of the content itself, but because of the owner of this book .As you should bear in mind that the owner of the book could be a famous person. If you are interested in collecting rare books, you should know that if the book has personal notations in the margins, it will be a very, very expensive one. There are 10 of the most expensive and rarest books in the world.
10 The Day After Tomorrow, Allan Folsom, 1993 $ 2 millionThis book is considered as the highest-priced book in the history of publishing. It costs $million. “this is the highest sale of a first novel since Bantam Books paid more than a million for Sally Beauman’s “Destiny” in 1985”said Aaron Priest Mr. Folsom’s literary agent.
9 The Tales of Beedle the Bard, J.K. Rowling — $3.98 million
J.K Rowling made seven original copies of this book .These copies were written by Rowling herself (handwriting). Rowling wrote six of these copies for friends and editors. The seventh copy was for auction .This copy costs$ 3, 98 million .It is considered the most expensive one at auction.
8 Geographia Cosmographia, Claudius Ptolemy — $4 million
It was about the geography of the world in the Roman Empire in the second century. It consists of two parts. The first part is about the data and the used method, the second part is an Atlas. In 2006, it was sold at Sotheby’s auction in London for the price of $4 million.
7 The Emperor of Ocean Park, Stephen L. Carter, 2002 $4.2 million.
“I tell my audiences that there is a simple test for figuring out when you have become a writer: when your best buddy invites you out to do something you truly love, and you feel comfortable answering, I can’t, because I have to write.” Carter said. This novel is a thriller written by Carter, law professor. It deals with a certain segment in American society. Carter received 4.2 million advance from Alfred A.Knopf, and one million advance from Jonathan Cape.
6 Treatise on Fruit Trees] by Henri Louis Duhamel du Monceau— $4.5 million.
Treatise on Fruit Trees is a book written about fruit trees .This book shows sixteen varieties of different species of fruit trees .In 2006 , there is a copy of this book costs $ 4.5 million .
5 The Gutenberg Bible — $4.9 million.
It is the first book printed with movable metal type. Before the printing process of this book, books were copied by the use of wood, or by hand .In 1987, there was a copy of the Gutenberg Bible that cost $4,9 million at Christie’s.
4 First Folio, William Shakespeare — $6 million.
The price of the first original copy of this book was one pound. If you wanted to buy this book bound in leather or adorned, the price was one or two more .In 2001,the copy of Shakespeare’s book cost $ 6,166,000 at Christie’s New York.
3 The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer — $7.5 million.
In 1998,the first edition of this book cost about $7.5million at Christie’s in London .There are dozen copies of this book .There was a copy purchased by the first Earl Fitzwilliam at the sale of John Radcliffe’s library in 1776.
2 Birds of America, James Audubon — $11.5 million.
There are three known copies of this book .One of these copies is Christie’s copy which is the only 119 known copies in the world. This copy costs $ 8,802,500.There is another edition costs 11, 5 million. The third copy of “Today” will cost hundred millions by the new record of the 21th century.
1The Codex Leicester, Leonardo da Vinci — $30.8 million.
It is a collection that holds a scientific writings by Leonardo Davinci.At Christie’s auction; it was sold to Bill Gates. The price was $30,802,500. This collection shows the link between art and science. The book illustrates the renaissance of the mind of the scientist, thinker, and the artist.
To sum up, all of these books are considered the most expensive and the rarest because of their importance, and the price of the words will come to be up. Hence, words cost millions.