Top 10 Tips For A Better Coliving Experience in New York City
The idea of coliving is becoming increasingly popular among people in New York City. This can be traced to the fact that we are in an era when people tend to value collaboration, sharing, social networking, and openness.
Apart from these, co-living has some other benefits like affordability, convenience, elimination of financial liability that roommates are known for, and more. Many people in New York have claimed that coliving is a sustainable practice. Despite all the benefits that co living nyc offers, you must understand that such practice will not always offer the ultimate experience. In fact, you could end up making some mistakes that would bring about a terrible coliving experience.
In order to avoid such a nightmare, we are going to be revealing some powerful tips that will ensure an unforgettable coliving experience in New York. These ideas may sound simple but they can make a huge difference once applied. Check them out below:
1 Communication Is Crucial
This should be the first step to take towards having an ultimate and unforgettable coliving experience. It is quite shocking to know that many people ignore this aspect in New York. It is very important you communicate effectively with your new housemates. Never form the habit of ignoring them as such might come back to haunt you later on.
If you see a chance to build a relationship with them, take it immediately. For instance, introduce yourself to a housemate you haven’t seen before. Also, greet the ones you meet in the hallway. Communicate with them on a regular basis.
2 Understanding Your Limits
Just because we talked about communication above doesn’t mean you have to go overboard. In other words, it is crucial to understand your limits while trying to establish a relationship with your housemates. For instance, learn to respect their privacies. If they are having issues with their loved ones or family members, don’t ever interfere especially when your opinion isn’t needed.
Again, there are coliving spaces that have policies. It is recommended to live by such rules. If there are any quiet hours, you must learn to respect such. Don’t disturb the peace of housemates.
3 Playing Your Roles
For every neat home, everyone is expected to play a part. You have to show commitment towards making the house clean. This is another way to form a very healthy relationship with housemates. If the kitchen looks dirty and you are free, there is no need to wait for others to come around before it can be cleaned.
Just ensure the place is clean for usage. In most cases, there is a cleaning timetable that everyone is expected to follow. When it gets your turn, don’t give flimsy excuses. Such can end up annoying your roommates.
4 Be Friendly and Sociable
Have you ever tried to live with neighbors that aren’t friendly or sociable? This is one experience that most people in New York usually don’t enjoy talking about. It is even worse when living with a roommate that isn’t friendly.
Don’t ever create the impression that you are hostile and unfriendly. It will only end up scaring roommates away. In the end, your coliving experience will turn out to be a nightmare. If there is a celebration or event, ensure to be present. Also, try as much as possible to always enjoy the company of roommates.
5 Ignoring The Weaknesses of Roommates
This is very important and should never be ignored for any reason. One of the reasons why many people in New York struggle to have the best coliving experiences is forming negative opinions about their housemates. Always ensure that you are holding your roommates in high esteem.
The best way to do this is to ignore their weaknesses. Instead, your focus should be on their strengths. This can make a big difference. For instance, never criticize a roommate that seems troublesome. You should always attempt to leave an indelible impression on roommates.
6 Respecting Everyone
When it comes to shared living, mutual respect should not be ignored. It is always easy to fall into the temptation of treating some roommates better than others. However, such a decision will lead to a coliving experience that you will be in a hurry to forget.
While people may differ in terms of their views, beliefs, and cultural and religious values, it is crucial to always treat and respect them equally. Don’t forget that respect is reciprocal. Thus, roommates will respect you once you begin to treat them as expected. Everyone is important in shared living.
7 Avoid Bringing Third Parties
It is true that coliving entails mingling with new people. However, such doesn’t imply you have to bring in friends without the knowledge of your roommates. Informing them before time can help to douse any tension that would want to come up.
If all of your roommates are females, it doesn’t make any sense to attempt to bring in a male friend without their knowledge. Even if such a person is female, ensure to give roommates a heads up. Some people find it hard to make new friends.
8 Stopping Bad Habits
What is that bad habit that roommates are always complaining about? There are lots of them that people struggle with. It could be shouting even when roommates are close, smoking, always getting drunk, banging the door heavily, or even messing up the room after waking up. There is no need to feel bad about such a habit.
Instead, you should be thinking about how to overcome them in order to live peacefully with your housemates. Work on yourself in a bid to improve. For instance, if you are drinking too much and roommates seem to be put off, try to limit such. This may not happen overnight but with careful attempts, you will get tangible results.
9 Making Your Roommates Happy
This is another great way to have an unforgettable coliving experience in New York. Sometimes, people go through lots of challenges and they don’t know who they can trust. This is what your roommate may be experiencing. It could be problems related to loneliness, depression, anxiety, or even coping with the loss of a loved one.
You should look for ways to help them out. Render valuable pieces of advice to enable them to get back on their feet. It is all about ensuring roommates are always comfortable around you. They will be free to tell you all of their challenges.
10 Handling Issues Maturely
No matter what you do, it is natural that you and your roommates will always have issues. It is almost impossible to avoid this. Your focus should be on handling such issues in the most mature manner. If a roommate seems to be shouting over something trivial, don’t lose your head.
The last thing you want to do is get into a heated argument with housemates. Things might become very complicated. Instead, you need to be seen as someone who is peaceful and mature.
With the tips shared above, there is no doubt that you will have the best coliving experience in New York City. This is because they have helped lots of people in the past. You can learn more by visiting Outpost Club.