Top 10 Easy Steps to Successful Self-Publishing Business

The self-publishing business is one that has got lots of potentials such as high earnings, more freedom to determine where and when you work, being your own boss, and others. This is perhaps why people seem to be increasingly getting more interested when it comes to delving into it. However, you have to understand that the benefits stated above can only be experienced once you follow the rules. These can really make the difference in your self-publishing endeavors as they can either make you successful or ruin your chances.
Are you planning to start up a self-publishing business or Target weekly ad? Do you know that there are rules guiding this business that you must follow? As a matter of fact, it has been discovered that only 5% of self-publishers are successful while the other 95% seem to be struggling. If you belong to the second category of publishers, you may want to read this post from start to end as it has the power to change your fortune today. Even if you are starting out, there is every chance that you can become successful within a very short period of time.
What you are about to discover are some of the steps that you need to take to become super successful in self-publishing business. These are secrets that are being used by the top self-publishers to rake in lots of money every now and then.
1 Making a Decision
This is perhaps the very first step that you need to take in order to kick start your self-publishing business. There are lots of people that would have been great self-publishers and authors. However, procrastination denied them of attaining greatness. There is this saying by popular authors that there is a book in everyone. The only difference is those that decide to write and the ones who keep postponing. Don’t fall into the second category.
2 Identifying a Need
Most new and inexperienced self-publishers are always in a hurry to get into this business without even thinking about the problems that they need to solve. In the end, they are struggling to sell the information that they managed to create. If you want to be successful in this business, learn how to find out what people are in need of. This will avoid you being guilty of trying to force them to buy what you have got. Just find the need and create a solution for it.
3 Preparing a Draft
The books that are successful all over the world were all written in draft formats initially. Yours shouldn’t be an exception. The reason for getting a draft is that the idea you are working on is still fresh as it hasn’t been properly developed. This implies that lots of ideas will be added later on to make it even better and more valuable. Never write any book without making it go through this stage as you could get some really negative reviews from your audience about the subject not being able to deliver appropriately.
4 Getting an Editor
Once your book has passed the draft stage, and you are very sure that all the necessary ideas have been added, you want to edit it very well. This will remove grammatical errors and unnecessary statements. A book that isn’t properly edited will not flow well when it is read by your audience. The worst part is when it begins to break their concentration. Even if you can’t do it by yourself, ensure to hire an editor. You can make it go through this process about 3 times to remove every error.
5 Get An E-cover
A picture will always tell thousands of words, and that is why you don’t only need a cover, but quite an attractive one. This will help to catch the attention of your target audience easier than expected. Hire a professional E-cover designer to make one for you to increase your chances of making the right impression on your reader.
6 Knowing Where to Publish
Lots of publishing sites are out there with each of them having its pros and cons. Smashwords seems to be one of the most popular amongst others. You will need to decide based on your current budget and also the format that you want such a book to be in.
7 Getting Reviews
This is where you may have to give out your book to others for free in exchange for their unbiased and honest opinions. Send the book to experts in the field that you have written about, and their opinions will help your target buyers make the purchase decision. The benefits of using reviews of experts to sell your book can hardly be ignored if you really want to get to the top in the self-publishing business.
8 Get A Website
When it comes to being successful in self-publishing, there are some factors that you can’t do without. A website ensures your book reaches out as many people as possible. Without using a website, you will definitely be limited regarding the number of persons that you can reach out to. This is essential and will increase your chances of being successful by over 50%. There is hardly any successful self-publisher today that doesn’t own a website.
9 Learning the Art of Copywriting
It doesn’t really matter how good your book sounds in terms of its contents; you have to convince people to buy. This is where copywriting comes in. There are two ways to go about this: either learning how to do it on your own or hiring the services of an expert. Sticking with the first option is always best given the fact that the second one is expensive, most especially when your budget is tight. Copywriting is more of science than art as it works on the mind of your target audience and makes them buy what you are selling.
10 Understanding Marketing
You need to understand the basics of marketing to succeed in self-publishing as it isn’t all about writing books, seating and waiting to make the sales. There are marketing variables that have vital roles to play in determining whether you will be successful or not. For instance, you need to understand how to promote your website, email marketing, advertising, traffic, and lots of others. There are jargons that you need to have an in-depth understanding of.