Top 10 Tips for Women to Be Hotter with Age
Starting to gradually become older is considered to be a catastrophe for most of the women, if it is not all of them, since they feel that they are threatened. They are going to lose their natural beauty and everything is about to be destroyed starting from the face and skin to the shape of the body. Ageing is like a monster that scares women when they start becoming over forty or fifty years old and this is why they begin looking for everything possible to hide what is going to appear. You can notice wrinkles that start as just fine lines, gray hair and you may find changes in your weight. All of these changes are caused by the hormonal shifts in our bodies and the lifestyle that we live. There are also other factors that can make you age early such as obesity, diet, stress, smoking, the time you spend in the sun and more factors that change your skin and hair as well. So, what should we do? Are we going to give up and let the monster of ageing attack us? There are many women who become more beautiful with age, what do they use or do to get this fascinating result? Here are top 10 tips for women to be hotter with age. Following these tips will help you to get a radiant complexion, soft skin and amazing body shape to become the best version of yourself.
10 Stop smoking
Several researches and studies assure that smoking is one of the main factors that are chiefly responsible for aging the skin and this is why you have to stop smoking right now even if you are still young. Smoking does not just affect the skin, but it also affects your weight and your body’s health making it dangerous for you as you age.
9 Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep is highly essential for you in order not to look tired and the importance of sleeping for long hours increases when you become older. So, try to sleep as much as possible.
8 Avoid sleeping on your side
Do you usually sleep on the right or left side? That’s okay. You have to stop this and try to sleep on your back. Sleeping on one of your sides causes the eyelashes to curl up and this, in turn, will make one side different from the other side of your face making it necessary for you to sleep on your back for avoiding this problem that increases as you age.
7 Keep your skin hydrated & watch what you eat
You have to eat the right food as good nutrition is highly essential for the body to repair any damages in your skin. Avoid junk and processed food to reduce your daily calorie intake. Increase your consumption of nuts, seeds and fish like salmon for being rich in fatty acids. You also have to keep your skin hydrated through drinking enough amount of water and rinsing skin.
6 Moisturize your skin
The dry skin helps wrinkles to appear early which makes it essential for you to moisturize your skin using moisturizing lotions and soaps in addition to humidifiers. Choose those products of high quality in order not to harm your skin. You can add a little bit of water to some whole milk, apply this mixture on your face and leave it for fifteen minutes to moisturize the skin and reduce wrinkles.
5 Protect your skin from the sun
There are different skin problems that are caused by sun exposure such as the blotchy complexion, age spots, fine wrinkles and even freckles. This is why you have to protect your skin from the sun especially from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. as the sun’s rays are known to be very strong during that time. Several things can be used for protecting your skin such as the sunglasses, protective hats, pants instead of shorts and shirts with long sleeves not short ones.
Those products that contain UVA and UVB protection in addition to SPF 30 or more are highly recommended to you daily. Sunscreens should be worn every day on all the uncovered areas including the chest, neck and even your lips. Apply the sunscreen before the foundation and after the moisturizer. Say goodbye to the tanning salons and avoid sunbathing because they do not suit you anymore.
4 Prompt collagen production
Anti-aging products help those who are over 50 years old to increase the natural beauty of their skin. In order to prompt the process of producing collagen by the cells of your skin, you can try those products that contain a specific chemical compound called “Pentapeptides” to overcome the problem of wrinkles and fine lines.
3 Pink on the cheeks and lips
If you want to add a youthful and fresh look to your face, you will need to apply bright pink blush on your cheeks and pink lipstick on your lips for an amazing result. A small application of this color will give you the look that you seek. Being simple is always the best choice for you.
2 Mineral make-up is the best choice
Using mineral make-up is much better than the chemical-based one that is usually used. Do not forget to cleanse your face twice at night for removing all what is on your face including your make-up, pollutants and grime.
1 Goji berries are your new friends
Goji berries are rich in minerals, vitamins and are perfect source of protein. They are known for their ability to strengthen the body and its muscles, increase immunity, protect liver, improve memory, alleviate stress, improve vision, reduce cholesterol, keep the blood pressure healthy and are especially perfect for you because of their anti-ageing benefits.
Other anti-aging secrets that can help you to be the best version of yourself
Exfoliate the skin to keep it glowing, do exercises even just walking, increase your intake of antioxidant-rich vegetables and fruits and do not forget omega-3 fatty acids that can be found in fish and nuts.
“The earlier you start, the better it will be”