Top 10 Marketing Ideas for Photography Business

Good branding and marketing are essential and challenging aspects of a profitable and successful photography business. However, many photographers pay little or no attention to marketing, which is integral to their business growth. So, as a photographer, where do you start from? What are photography business marketing ideas required to improve and sustain your photography business?

In this article, Topteny magazine listed below are ten marketing ideas for your photography business.

1 Know your market target

Before starting with any photography marketing idea, the first step you should take is to know your market target or segment digitally. There are various market segments in photography. Determine what is suitable for your market segment.

These market segments may include:

  • Real estate
  • Lifestyle, Street, and Candid
  • Freelance
  • Products
  • Newspapers and journals
  • Makeup and fashion
  • Nature and landscaping
  • Weddings and events

You may also want to use demographics to identify your market segment: Age, Job profile, Income, Gender, Location, etc. identifying your market segment helps you appropriately and effectively put into use the photography business marketing ideas listed in this article.

Here are various market segments in photography.

2 Create a database for your customer segment

After identifying your market segment, you can begin creating a customer database. This helps you keep track of your projects, prospective and regular customers’ needs and preferences. You can also synchronize your customer’s database with other applications, such as Google Calendar. Examples of database/CRM applications you can use are Dubsado, Insightly, and Nutshell.

You can also synchronize your customer’s database with other applications, such as Google Calendar.

3 Create an active website to advertise your work

Forget about having a profitable photography business if you don’t have an online presence and an active website. Both are fundamental photography business marketing ideas. The website should include these sections:

  • Your photography jobs
  • Your contact
  • Your services
  • Client reviews
  • About yourself-professional background, achievements, and mission and vision statements
  • Behind-the-scene photos
  • A blog section that can improve your website’s Google ranking.
You have a profitable photography business if you have an online presence and an active website.

4 Create an Email Register

Creating an email register or list helps you maintain regular contact with your market segment. In addition to social media channels, you can always inform your customers about discounts offered and provide regular photography tips and other marketing information. This helps to build customer trust in your business.

Be consistent and regular with your emails. If not, a subscriber might unsubscribe from your email service that does not send periodic updates. You can use any email provider for this service, for instance, ConvertKit.

Creating an email register or list helps you maintain regular contact with your market segment.

5 Make use of social media platforms to grow your customer base

Instagram, Pinterest, and Tailwinds are influential social media channels used for visual photography and imagery. What is important is knowing how to use these social media tools for your marketing strategy by creating engagements that pull viewers to your social media page.

You can initiate paid campaigns or adverts on your Instagram page to target a specific customer segment to increase your viewers. Post comments that are thoughtful and engaging.


Instagram, Pinterest, and Tailwinds are influential social media channels used for visual photography and imagery.

6 Use Digital Marketing

The photography business marketing ideas in numbers 4 and 5 are parts of digital marketing. However, there is something more. You can opt for either the free photography business marketing ideas or the paid marketing ideas.

You can use Google My Business (GMB) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for free photography marketing ideas. SEO improves your website’s ranking using the trending or most served keywords online. Ensure your website title, meta description, and content contains the right keywords.

For paid photography business marketing ideas, also known as Search Engine Marketing (SEM), you can run Instagram and Facebook Ads over some important websites or by using Google Ads.

You can opt for either the free photography business marketing ideas or the paid marketing ideas.

7 Make use of a referral programme to win new clients

A referral program is essential for your photography business to grow tremendously. Person-to-person communication is one of the vital photography business marketing ideas. It helps you in getting new clients.

Offer a discount to your clients (new, existing, loyal, and VIP clients) when they leave feedbacks or comments about you on your website on their forthcoming photo session or during holidays, weddings, or high-demand seasons. It pays off. In addition, don’t forget to say “Thank You” to your clients who made the referrals.

To have a great referral program, ensure you have a business card, an online presence, and a print advert. In this manner, people can always use these items for advertising their photography business and sharing their contact information.

To have a great referral program, ensure you have a business card, an online presence, and a print advert.

8 Don’t neglect Image Editing

You shouldn’t post your photos on your social media page and website without editing. Sharing poorly edited photos can affect your brand. Professionally edited photos make your work outstanding and attract viewers’ attention. Engage photo-editing professionals or services if you are not experienced in photo-editing.

Professionally edited photos make your work outstanding and attract viewers’ attention.

9 Consider open photography or photo shoot

Putting up open photography or photoshoot is a crucial marketing strategy in the photography business. It allows you to showcase your photography skills to potential clients, make your guests more valuable, and strengthen your business opportunities network. In addition, you can take advantage of this open photoshoot to offer discount coupons or freebies, and you are guaranteed a callback.

You can take advantage of this open photoshoot to offer discount coupons or freebies, and you are guaranteed a callback.

10 Associate with other marketing partners

This marketing strategy demands more openness from you to build networks across markets such as Boutiques, Gyms, or Cafés that are not your competitors to enhance your photography business and increase your customer base.

This marketing strategy demands more openness from you to build networks across markets.


Marketing in photography can be challenging. However, it is an integral part of creating a successful and profitable photography business. Marketing must not be made difficult or time-wasting. Instead, begin by trying out any of these photography business marketing ideas. Add more of these strategies as you proceed.

Do your best and take steps to promote your work in photography and create a brand for yourself. In a short while, you will become a marketing professional in photography.