How To & TipsEducation

10 Tips to Get a Brilliant Essay Even When in a Hurry

Who says you can’t submit a great essay just because you wrote it in a hurry? Whether you are writing an article under pressure due to a demanding professor who loads you with work as if you have nothing else to do, or you were down with flu that rendered you unable to work for some days, relax, you can still submit a great paper. This article looks at ten of the best tips that you can follow to submit an essay that will score you good marks even if you write it in a hurry.

1 It’s Okay to Get Help

When you are running late with an essay, never be shy to ask for help even if you don’t usually do so. Most students who discover that it is impossible to write an essay and submit it on time, due to whatever reason, usually turn to essay writing services as a solution. Don’t listen to those who tell you that people who look for help are lazy. Students who get an essay online are actually the smart ones who know that during this age of technology you can work smart. For example, EssayPro is getting rather popular lately because of the high quality of papers, reasonable prices and nice support managers who will lead you all the way through the ordering process. You get help, and you also can learn from them.

2 Eat and Drink Before You Write

It’s easy to forget to drink and eat adequately when you are under pressure. What this simply does is that you become dehydrated and hungry. When you’re hungry, you don’t have the energy to think straight. All you think about is when your next meal will be.

One trick you can use to ensure that you have the right levels of energy is to keep some snacks near you to help you while you write. Just remember not to overeat as this could make you feel sleepy.

3 Keep Your Browser Open

It’s useful to keep your search browser open so that you can do a quick check of the meanings of words you may not be sure of while you write. Google can also help you to check issues such as the use of grammar while you write. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should rely on Google for everything.

4 Don’t Copy Paste

While keeping your browser open so that you can quickly check stuff, don’t be tempted to copy and paste, it doesn’t usually end well. It’s called plagiarism. The first reason why you should never plagiarize is that you walk away without having learned anything meaningful. Secondly, it is an offense that could get you expelled.

Teachers are always looking out for plagiarism. They can see the plagiarized sentences because most of the times they are not consistent with the rest of the writing. If they are not sure, they can take one sentence and type it into the search bar of any search engine and the whole document you copied from will be right there in front of them. Most schools now use Turnitin to check that the work submitted is original.

5 A Change of Scenery Helps

Sometimes when you try to write an essay in a hurry, it’s easy to run into writer’s block. You can mitigate this by changing your scenery. Examples of places you can go to include the local library. It is easy to feel motivated to keep going if you are in an environment where everybody else is busy.

A change of scene could also be helpful because it ensures that you do not keep getting disturbed by those you live with or friends coming to visit. Try your local coffee shop; many people are now working in coffee shops especially during times when it’s quiet, and everybody else is at work.

6 It’s Okay to Take a Break When You Need It

Of course, it may sound contradictory to advise someone writing an essay in a hurry to take a break. There is a reason why breaks were introduced in the first place: to replenish your energy. The break doesn’t have to be long: five minutes will do the trick. However, it is okay to work flat out if you feel that you do not need the break.

7 Thank Yourself

It’s easy to feel motivated to complete your essay if you promise yourself something you really like if you complete the essay. It doesn’t have to be a holiday in Honolulu: a chocolate bar, watching a movie, a long warm bath or a shopping trip will do the trick. Make the incentive sufficient.

8 Eliminate Distractions

Your chances to write an essay on time will be reduced if you don’t manage the distractions. Social media and smartphones kill productivity. Turn off your phone or put it in silent mode. Log out of Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, or whatever else can interrupt your thoughts. Use a distraction-free text editor like Q10. Its minimal interface is designed to immerse you in work fully.

A quiet place can increase your concentration on the writing assignment. Ask your roommates or family members not to disturb you. A library perfectly fits those students who like to study in silence.

9 Make References as You Write

If you’re required to make a bibliography, do it during the process of writing the draft. Thus, you won’t have to spend your limited time on searching through the used sources. Once you insert a quote, write down the details of the textbook or copy-paste the website link.

10 Be Realistic

Of course, you want to write an A-grade essay. But when the deadline is near, there’s no time to craft a breathtaking paper. Do just enough research. It’s better to utilize the remaining time to rewrite weak parts of the text or add a few lines where necessary.

Don’t misinterpret this tip. It’s not about writing a poor paper. It’s about focusing on the most important things. Remember that a complete essay will always get a higher grade than inconsistent, difficult-to-read piece of writing.

About the Author: Michelle Brooks is the independent writer and editor at the educational resource. As the guest blogger, she writes about e-learning, career, and self-development.

H. M. Kotb

Hala, a seasoned journalist with a passion for uncovering the truth and sharing it with the world. With years of experience under her belt, Hala has become a go-to source for anyone looking to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest news and stories from around the globe. Hala's love for journalism began at a young age, when she realized the power of the written word to effect change and make a difference in people's lives. As she grew older, she honed her craft, developing a unique voice and style that captivates readers and keeps them coming back for more. With a wide range of interests and expertise, Hala has covered everything from politics and current events to lifestyle and entertainment. Her blog is a reflection of this versatility, offering readers a glimpse into the world of news and stories from a variety of angles. But what sets Hala apart is her commitment to accuracy and integrity. She knows that journalism is more than just reporting the facts - it's about telling the whole story, even when it's difficult or unpopular. Her blog is a testament to this commitment, offering readers a nuanced and thoughtful perspective on the issues that matter most. So if you're looking for a journalist who knows her stuff and isn't afraid to speak her mind, look no further than Hala. Her blog is a treasure trove of information and insight, and she's always happy to engage with her readers and answer their questions.
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