Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs In USA without A Degree
Looking for a job is not a piece of cake; it is more like a competition. In a country full of university grads with exemplary qualification and exceptional skills, getting a prestigious job with a high salary may seem like a mirage or a fading sparkle that you cannot take hold of. However, if you are not a college graduate or if you do not have a bachelor degree, it okay as you do not have to study at college to land an important and prestigious job. All you have to do is look for a job that you are passionate about. When you find such a job, you can enrol in courses to enhance your career.
Here are the top 10 highest paying job in the USA, according to Business Insider.
10 Elevator installers and repairers [Median annual wage (2018): $22,500] An elevator installer and repairer‘s duty is to install, fix, and maintain elevators, moving sidewalks and escalators. Moreover, they repair and maintain control systems, motors and elevator doors. In addition to repairing and maintaining elevators and control systems, an elevator installer and repairer’s responsibilities include detecting defects on motors, switches and brakes. All you need to earn is a high school diploma or equivalent is required. If you took math and mechanical drawing, you may apply for an apprenticeship. 9 Nuclear technician [Median annual wage (2018): $27,930] Do you think it is easy to become a nuclear technician?! Do you think it is effortless to have control over nuclear medication?!In order to be a nuclear medicine technologist, you have to earn an associate’s degree from a nuclear medicine technology program that should be accredited. Moreover, nuclear technicians hold huge responsibility, so they have to be licensed. However, such an issue mainly depends on the state where you are located.
Nuclear medicine technologists depend on medical-grade radioactive materials in a bid to develop the treatment. Because nuclear medicine technologists deal with potentially dangerous materials, it is essential to say that professional nuclear technicians not only should earn an accredited degree but exemplary communication skills. 8 Radiation Therapist [Median annual wage (2018): $32,130] A radiation therapist mainly works with patients who are undertreated for cancer. She or he keeps accounts of a patient’s medical status. Radiation therapists detect tumours using x-rays and promote treatment plans in accordance with the methods that a supervising radiologist has prescribed.
They are also held accountable for the patients’ health condition and for recording any reactions to treatment. As a radiation therapist, you are expected to maintain equipment and abide by all safety guidelines concerning radiation exposure. Surely, such a job does not require high school diploma. However, it demands an associate’s degree like a 2- or 4-year program in radiation therapy. 7 First-line supervisors of police and detectives [Median annual wage (2018): $56,565] To be a first-line supervisor of police and detectives, you are held accountable for arranging schedules and work duties and assignments. Moreover, First-line supervisors of police and detectives have to make sure that their subordinates act in accordance with all rules and procedures. As soon as your job, you may earn a title like a captain, sergeant, lieutenant, or commanding officer. A five percent increase in such a job in such a field is quite foreseen. It is quite dangerous and stressful to work in the crime field. However, it is worth it to save your city. You can be a superhero! 6 Detectives and criminal investigators [Median annual wage (2018): $58,354] To be a detective investigator, in other words, a uniformed police officer; you will be assigned to respond to emergency calls, observe evidence from crime scenes, hold interviews with witnesses, keep suspects under investigation and submit detailed reports.
Police officers chase outlaws and suspects down the street. Moreover, detectives and criminal investigators respond to emergency calls and monitor the traffic. 5 Commercial pilots [Median annual wage (2018): $68,522] Commercial pilots observe the general status of the aeroplane before he/she takes off or lands. Moreover, he/she makes sure that the aeroplane is in condition as well as well-balanced, report flight forms to air traffic control.
Furthermore, commercial pilots observe and take control over aeroplanes schedules, takeoffs and landings.
Pilots must be able to work in teams and under stress. The job is certainly stressful and difficult; that is why commercial pilots must have a high school diploma. However, additional skills and licenses may be required. For instance, agricultural pilots need to study general agricultural practices, fertilizers and pesticides.
4 Power distributors and dispatchers [Median annual wage (2018): $68,827] You can deduce that being a power distributor and dispatcher requires distributing and monitoring the power between generating stations and distribution lines. They also have to control the condition of connections and circuits and render distribution machines active. Moreover, you have to keep an eye on defects. Furthermore, it is essential to take control over switchboard and board readings in a bid to make sure that distribution machines and equipment are operating effectively. 3 Transportation, storage, and distribution managers [Median annual wage (2018): $69,190] Transportation, storage and distribution managers do not need much formal education. Apparently, storage, transport and distribution of goods plays an essential role in country’s well being. We agree that the job’s requirement doe snot include formal education. However, it needs work experience in industry call for a considerable while, which is five years. They monitor and direct transportation, storage, or distribution activities according to organizational policies and government laws or regulations that are merely applicable.
The good news is that you need no work experience either for such occupation. As an air traffic controller, you are asked to take vigorous testing by the FAA, which revolves around health and mental stability tests.
To sum up, your job and career path do not depend on your college education. However, you can go for what you like and are passionate about. If you study a field in which you can excel, we will assure you that your name and career path will soar up in the sky and will dwell amonh=gst the shining stars.