Categories: Lawyers

Questions to Ask Your Lawyer in the Aftermath of a Car Accident

Car accidents are dangerous; the worst part is that they are not always predictable or avoidable. The damage caused to life and property takes a long time to recover, and getting back to ‘normal’ is most often a struggle. The following are ten questions you need to ask your car injury lawyer serving in Austin to ensure a safe and stable reimbursement process.

If you haven’t already, it is important to get to a secure location and get medical help as soon as possible. You, or your representative, may return to the scene and meet with the other parties to exchange information and check for injuries or damage to the vehicles. Asking the following questions from your lawyer will help you get a better understanding of your car accident case.

1 What information does one need to provide?

Auto accident lawyers function like any other lawyer. Therefore they also want to document various aspects of the crash, case, and injuries. You should also note your and the other drivers’ names and addresses, insurance company names, vehicle registration numbers, and images of the driver’s licenses and the damage dealt. The phone numbers and names of a few witnesses will also be useful to provide credibility.

Auto accident lawyers function like any other lawyer.

2 What are the possible legal consequences?

The investigative team of the insurance company will do a full sweep of the scene and assess whether the accident was deliberate or not. You could be sued for damages or loss of life due to gross negligence and vice versa.

3 How much does it cost to hire a lawyer?

The cost of hiring a lawyer and how payment is processed will vary from firm to firm. It is recommended to check the online sites of various leading legal firms in your area. Many reputed legal firms charge a contingency-based fee. It is to be paid after a settlement is reached and compensation received. The average hourly rate for a car injury lawyer serving in Austin is between $130 and $415.

Many reputed legal firms charge a contingency-based fee.

4 What can they do to help your case?

The lawyer should explain how the case will be managed, depending on the damage dealt, and how much you can expect to pay or receive, depending on what factors caused the damage.

The lawyer should explain how the case will be managed, depending on the damage dealt.

5 How much damage can one recover?

Even though claims involving car accidents frequently ask for compensation for things like medical costs, lost wages, induced trauma (both physical and mental), and property damage, your lawyer should be able to explain precisely how much compensation you might be eligible for given the specifics of your accident and injuries.

6 Do lawyers help reclaim future medical expenses?

A doctor should be able to tell you if you’ll need to see a physical therapist frequently or whether your injuries would necessitate surgery. After a car accident, it is important to get checked out, even if you feel nothing is wrong at the moment. These future expenses would also be demonstrated in case your case goes to trial.

7 What are the post-accident precautions?

Apart from preserving evidence at the scene, your lawyer will advise you to be wary of the other drivers’ insurance company which is why you must refrain from making a recorded statement to the insurer until your lawyer is able to discuss the circumstances of the accident with you.

8 How does one negotiate offers from the insurer?

Always consult with a lawyer before accepting an insurance company’s offer to facilitate negotiations. There are a number of firms with skilled car accident lawyers on their team who are capable of ensuring you get the compensation you deserve. A lawsuit might range from a few weeks to more than a year to conclude, depending on whether it is settled or tried in court. If you are stuck in a car accident and don’t know what the next steps might look like, it’s wise to hire a car injury lawyer.