Top 10 Photos of the Most Famous Cat on Earth

It is a normal thing to see cats in different colors, to find markings on their fur, but do think that it is possible for you to see just one cat in different colors for its face and eyes? It may sound impossible for you but this really happened and was shown by a beautiful and amazing cat which has two faces. The two-faced cat has recently become one of the most famous cats on earth and this is because of her strange appearance. The two-faced cat is called Venus and she has a unique look as one side of her face is solid black with a green eye while the other side is calico with a blue eye. This cat is not photoshopped and her face is not dyed, however when you see her you will feel that she is an illusion. This Chimera cat was born this way without being changed to look like that.

The owner of the two-faced cat is called Christina. Venus was living on a dairy farm in North Carolina and is believed to be a rare cat. The two different colors which are solid black and mottled orange indicate that a cat has an extra X chromosome, but this happens in male cats. What about Venus that has two X chromosomes “female”? Explaining the main reason behind this phenomenon requires genetic testing and getting samples of Venus’s skin from both sides. It is thought that the DNA is different in both sides, but what about the eyes of the cat?

The main cause behind the different colors in Venus’s eyes is really mysterious as the typical colors for cats’ eyes are yellow or green. Venus has a blue eye and the blue eyes are widely known to exist in Siamese cats or other cats that have a lot of white fur. Venus does not have a white fur and there is just a small white patch on her chest which is not enough for making the blue eye a normal thing like other white cats.

The two-faced cat has attracted the attention of many people on the internet and there are some people who claim that they have cats like this or saw cats that have the same features which can be found in Venus. Watching Venus on YouTube has reached more than 2 million views till now and it still increases although it appeared in 2009. Venus has her own page on Facebook and her fans are more than 222,000, so try to pay her a visit.

This cat is believed to be the only one of its kind

Do you have a cat like this?

Venus has become a public figure,

What about you?