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Top 10 Most Famous Love Story in All History

Every list about the most famous love stories in the history of mankind always mentions Romeo and Juliet as their number one. This may be the most faithful story that was ever happened, but we are here seeking to show you something new. So skim this essay to see how we turned things upside down and know who is our number one, you gonna like it!

10 Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet used to be very famous in all history for living an eternal love story. Their story inspired a lot of movies and have gone famous in every country all over the world. The couple loved each other from the first sight. Though being the son and daughter of two families that have a long history of hatred and feud, they decided to marry against the will of their families. Upon the opposition of their families, they run away and successively commit suicide. It has always said that they were united in life and death.


9 Antony and Cleopatra

One of the greatest love stories ever is that of Antony and Cleopatra. William Shakespeare wrote a whole drama about this amazing story, the thing that made their love affair eternal.They loved each other from the first sight and then decided to marry. Once it became public, the Romans were scared. They were afraid that such a relationship will make Egypt more powerful. Afterwards, Anthony decided to fight the Romans. Amidst the battle, false news announced that Cleopatra died. In shock, Anthony felt on his sword and met his death. Cleopatra could not wait any longer after knowing about it and killed herself.

8 Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere

Queen Guinevere, the wife of King Arthur, found Sir Lancelot in love with her. She could not but reciprocate the same amount of passion. Though their love story was powerful and their passion was deep, it did not end very well for them. Sir Agravain, doubting the queen, took a number of twelve knights and broke the queen’s room in. When they were found together, Lancelot managed to escape, while the queen was sent to her death. After a few days Lancelot came back to save his beloved but was caught and both ended their lives a s hermit and non.

7 Tristan and Isolde

A real story that happened in the medieval time is that of Tristan and Isolde. As Isolde was the daughter of the Irish king, she got married to King mark of Cornwall. King Mark was not lucky enough in choosing Tristan, his nephew to get Isolde. In their way back, both of them felt deeply in love. Their story ends with both of them been separated.

6 Paris and Helena

Helen of Troy is a well-known figure in the history of literature. She was married to Menelaus, the king of Sparta. When Paris, son of Troy’s king, felt in love with Helen he kidnapped her and took her to Troy. Agamemnon,  Menelaus’ brother, succeeded in leading an army to Troy in order to regain the queen.

5 Orpheus and Eurydice

A beautiful nymph named Eurydice, was the object of Orpheus’ deep love. But the god of land, Aristaeus, looked at Eurydice and loved her as well. Afraid of him she continued to run till she ended in a cave of snakes and been bitten and died

4 Napoleon and Josephine

Though Josephine was older than her partner, they both felt deeply in love, but separated when Napoleon wanted an heir.

3 Odysseus and Penelope

An example of faithfulness should be given through this couple who, being separated, waited for 20 years without having any couples till they reunited.

2 Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal

Jahan and Mahal got married when they were 14 and 15 of age. Hos wife died in the year 1629 leaving Shah Jahan depressed. He decided to built her a monument that bears her name to the present day, Taj Mahl.

1 Marie and Pierre Curie

When the passion of science and love blends it wins Nobel prize twice!