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Top 10 Hottest Women Scientists

The stereotype of a scientist is one who is brainy, shaggy hair, clothes unfit – the Einstein head in short – and finally doing nothing but science. While Einstein himself was a lively person who made a lot of things beside to science to enjoy his life; we are here to prove this wrong stereotype with the hottest scientist women , a list we will follow up with another for their male peers.

10 Heather Christofk

Only 32 years old, Christofk is an assistant professor in Harvard University. She got her PhD from Harvard after graduating with a bachelor degree in Biology from University of California Los Angeles. Christofk studies Cancer cells and is a good basketball player as well!

9 Myriam Afeiche

With a PhD in epidemiology, Afeiche is studying Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health. Her focus is on productivity in male and female and how different types of food positively and negatively affect it.

8 Daniela Witten

Just 28 years old, Witten is our mathematical brainiac. She got her bachelor degree in Mathematics from Stanford University, her PhD in Statistics from the same University. She is currently working as an assistant professor of biostatistics in University of Washington. Her work is focused on both statistics and genomics to speak in general terms.

7 Tali Sharot

Sharot is one of UCL staff in the department of Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences. With a PhD in Psychology and Neuroscience, Sharot is working on how emotion and social interactions could affect decision making. Her latest publication is topped by The Optimism Bias: A Tour of the Irrationally Positive Brain.

6 Rachel Armstrong

In her forties, Rachel is the Co-Director of AVATAR, an architectural research group. Armstrong is working on seemingly unrelated field, medicine and architecture. She wants to create cells that have the ability to auto repair itself. She is interested in writing sci-fi as well.

5 Danielle Fong

Fong got her bachelor’s degree in physics and computer science from Dalhousie University after which she joined PhD program in Princeton when she was 17! Two years later, Fong dropped out in order to found her company LightSail, which she did. Fong is now 27 years old with a company under belt!

4 Siobhan Pattwell

In her late 20s, Pattwell obtained her Bachelor’s degree in neuroscience from Lafayette and her PhD from Cornell University in the same field; she is working as a postdoctoral fellow in their as well. Her work is focused on the neural circuits of fear and anxiety. In her free time, Patwell would go for shopping or cooking.

3 Heather Knight

The founder of Marilyn Monrobot, Knight is currently working for her PhD student at Carnegie Mellon. Heather is in love with building robots as her study is on the interaction between humans and robots. She also loves salsa dancing and traveling.

2 Clio Cresswell

Cresswell got her bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the university of New South Wales, and PhD from the same university. Now she is working as a professor in University of Sydney. The best of her achievements is her book “Mathematics and Sexwhich was an instant hit. Her focus is on how people find their mates; she is clarifying it through maths! Cresswell is interested in spending her free time at workouts.

1 Ariel Garten

In her 30s, Garten is the neuroscientist who took science out of the lab. She got her bachelor’s degree in neuroscience from the University of Toronto. As the CEO of InteraXon, Garten is creating apps that would enable people to get a deeper understanding of their cognitive status. Garten has a fashion business as well.

Have we proved that scientists can be beautiful as well, or not yet?