Categories: How To & Tips

Top 10 Rifle Accessories

The AR-15 rifle is the most popular in America and is often dubbed America’s rifle. You may be asking why this rifle is so popular, and the answer lies in its versatility. Rifles are used for many different reasons including self-defense, hunting, and plinking, and each task calls for different modifications and accessories. Therefore, we’ve gathered together the best rifle accessories for America’s rifle.

1 Optics

A new optic will provide you with greater precision, which is important when hunting. There are several types of optics available, including night vision, red dot, tactical, hunting, sniper, and many more. The type of scope you use will depend on the task, but you should make sure that it has an anti-fog lens to prevent moisture blurring.

The type of scope you use will depend on the task, but you should make sure that it has an anti-fog lens to prevent moisture blurring.

2 Slings

Rifles are heavy, so having a sling will help take the weight off, especially if you need to walk long distances. A comfy sling should protect your shoulders and be strong enough to withstand wear and tear.

A comfy sling should protect your shoulders and be strong enough to withstand wear and tear.

3 Iron Sights

Optics are great, but they fail from time to time, which means your rifle needs iron sights. These are physical targeting markers and are great for competitions and hunting expeditions. You’re better off having backup iron sights and not needing them than being caught unprepared. You can kit out your AR with iron sights here.

You’re better off having backup iron sights and not needing them than being caught unprepared.

4 Bipods

Keeping a rifle steady can be tough work, especially when you need to be stationary for a long time. Fortunately, you can use a bipod with two-legged support for your rifle. There are plenty of different brands out there, but we recommend using Magpul, which has years of experience in the industry.

You can use a bipod with two-legged support for your rifle.

5 Magazines

A quality magazine will ensure that your rounds keep firing consistently. There are countless different models out there, and choosing the right one can be difficult. You need the casing to be robust to withstand heavy use. When it comes to the spring, stainless steel is the better option because it will be stronger than other materials.

When it comes to the spring, stainless steel is the better option because it will be stronger than other materials.

6 Magazine Loaders

To use a rifle proficiently, you have to be capable of reloading a mag yourself. However, using a magazine loader can help to protect your fingers and will reduce the risk of arthritis as you age. Further, you will face fewer jamming problems, which can happen if you put bullets into a mag slightly out of place.

Using a magazine loader can help to protect your fingers and will reduce the risk of arthritis as you age.

7 Cleaning Gear

There are many moving parts in a rifle, and they need to stay clean to function properly. Over time, your rifle will become bunged up with rust, corrosion, and friction shavings. Your rifle will last you much longer and perform much more efficiently if you keep up with regular cleaning. Typically, you should clean your rifle after every outing or after long storage periods.

8 Rifle Brass Catcher

When you fire a rifle, the shell falls to the ground and can cause harm to the environment. Therefore, to keep your footprint clean and leave little trace of a hunting trip, you can use a brass catcher. This connects underneath your rifle and will make it much easier to police your brass.

9 Shooting Mat

When you’re out on a long hunting trip, you’ll likely be setting up your rifle on the floor, which will probably be filthy. Therefore, to protect your clothes and stay dry in adverse weather, a shooting mat will be your best friend.

10 Rail Guards

Rail guards fit over your rifle and protect your hands from heat, and let you attach accessories to your rifle. One of the most popular and longest-standing is the Picatinny rail, which is a military standard system.

Rifles have many uses, which means they need different accessories to function properly and make you comfortable. The accessories discussed above should be on every rifle owner’s shopping list.