Categories: Business & Finance

BSV and the Big Apple Come Together in October 2021

On October 5th, 2021, New York City will once again host one of the most important gatherings in the world’s financial mecca. The much-anticipated CoinGeek Conference will take place with a three-day jam-packed event to showcase all the latest innovations, enhancements, news, and new developments with the BSV blockchain. It will be nearly a year since this conference was held in the same city. The previous event was broadcast via online streaming due to the pandemic which once again may impact this year’s conference. Hopefully restrictions will be lifted to allow the Sheraton Time Square to fill the venue with avid BSV knowledge-seekers and presenters.

The recent CoinGeek Conference Zurich experienced much the same restrictions from the Covid-19 pandemic. Few guests were allowed inside the venue however, the live streaming was a huge success with nearly 4 million viewers looking in through the virtual platform’s portal. The live presentations included panel discussions with some of the most esteemed individuals in their respective fields. One cool feature during the live portions was that viewers could submit their questions to the experts and receive immediate responses.

The theme for New York, ‘It’s About Time’, will focus on aspects of iGaming, Healthcare, Supply Chain, and Finance to name a few. It’s about time the world sees the latest and greatest of what the BSV blockchain has to offer today and in the future. All things are made possible on the BSV blockchain because of its inherent ability to scale limitlessly, security, stability, speed of transactions, and low-cost processing.

One topic that is sure to be on the forefront of the conference is the inevitability that law is coming to the blockchain. There has been a lot of hoopla in the news recently regarding law and regulatory compliance that has been, for the most part, evading the blockchain space. The good news for the BSV blockchain is that it is, and has been for a long time, prepared for what’s to come. This platform was built with law in mind.

Jimmy Nguyen, Founding President of Bitcoin Association, stated at the Zurich conference “It’s up to all of us to educate our industry as well as the government representatives and the public about how blockchain and digital asset scan grow with innovation while balancing the need to comply with different laws and regulations around the world.”

Whether you intend to watch virtually or attend this year’s conference in the Big Apple, it is sure to be informative, educational, entertaining, and perhaps cause a few sparks to fly between some of the panelists during live discussions as happened during the Zurich event.