Top 10 Countries with the Most Terrorists
Whenever somebody decides to visit a country to study, work or even to get to know its culture and wander on its streets, they type the country’s name on Google to find more about the destination to which they are heading. We mean you should know whether the place you are visiting is safe or not. One the hand, while reading about terrorism and how much populations and civilians in a specific country suffer arouse empathy and grief within you, urging you to feel sorry for humanity. The United Nations and other organisations that target human rights have documented records of incidents and attacks in all countries that battles terrorism or is just controled by it, in order to salvage the poor victims, women and children there and provide them with food, shelter, medical care and education. Topteny provides top 10 countries that are badly affected by terrorism.
10 Kenya
Violence in Kenya has been rampantly mounting. Not only did civilians suffer from the filiation and human eights violations but also tourists in Kenya have experienced the incidents, which led to a sharp decline in tourism there.
When the attack on Nairobi’s upmarket Westgate Mall left more than 70 killed and injured, northern Kenya, from the Somali border to Mombasa, was swamped with bomber attacks and exploding grenades, killing dozens of victims.
According to AlJazzera, most attacks have targeted public venues such as churches, nightclubs, and bus stations.
The Al-Shabab, a terrorist group in Somalia which is affiliated with Al-Qaeda, had claimed responsibility for the Westgate incident and threatened to conduct a series of bomver attacks till Kenya withdraw from Somalia. its attacks until Kenya withdrew its troops from Somalia.
9 Thailand
The Institute for Economics and Peace report reads that Thailand experienced the most terrorist attacks ever in the country with an increase by 16 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year.
Terrorist activity is rampant in the south of the country where there is a long-going conflict between Muslim separatists and the Thai government, with Malay Muslims against the Thai Buddhist minority and supporters of the government.
This conflict has been on the edge since 2004 with the toll of 15,000 casualties: 5,000 were killed and 10,000 were injured.
Two-thirds of filiations in Thailand were carried out by anonymous attackers or groups.
It was reported that the country witnessed its ultimate record of 255 deaths in 2009.
8 Libya
Libya that you see in ruins with bloodstained roads and swamped with arms and weapons in not actually the country that was considered a wealthy one which many Arab workers, doctors, engineers and teacher have headed to in the eighties and nineties to work at and maybe make fortune. However, in the aftermath of the Arab Spring and the overthrown of back-then leader Moammar Al Gadaffi, Libya is not like what it used to be before. In 2014, terrorist fatalities were increased by 255 percent compared to the previous year.
Until 2012, Libya was not a spot for terrorism; however, the first violent attack in 2012 resulted in 28 people killed in 51 separate attacks. Apparently, 18 terrorist networks have claimed responsibility for some of the attacks that took place; however, more than half of the attacks were conducted by anonymous militants of groups.
In 2014, the deadly group was revealed to be Ansar al-Sharia, a terrorist group which conducted the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi.
7 Somalia
Somalia is actually considered as the destination may terrorist aims to hit. Let me put it that way, the country is a dead, dirty and bloodstained pool in which terrorist can fish and hunt, using their already rusty and bloodstained harpoon to target poor victims who have no place to live in but Somalia. The country suffers from a fragile government, famine, piracy and militants. Al-Shabaab, which is affiliated with Al Qaida, takes control over Somalia. In addition, Somalia’s long armed civil war is held accountable for grave violations of international law and abuses.
On April 14, Al-Shabaab attacked Mogadishu’s main court complex, causing 30 deaths; most people are civilians. Moreover, an attack on the UN compound in Mogadishu left around 14 people dead. Furthermore, at least 15 people were left killed on September 7 in an attack on Village restaurant, which is destinations of many journalists and politicians.
6 Yemen
Yemen is experiencing a mounting humanitarian crisis; almost half the population have no water, food, shelter, medical care and education, UN agencies reports.
According to the Human Rights Watch report, the tenuous transition government that succeeded President Ali Abdullah Saleh in 2012 and emerged in the aftermath of the spring Arab movement in the Middle East fell short of what population expected as they could not address any humanitarian problem the country faces.
The humanitarian crisis includes discrimination against women, Conflict-related abuses, and child marriage that prevailed all across Yemen.
5 Syria
The 3-year old civil war that stroke the country has left thousands of people killed thousand and bred war crimes. Terrorist networks were a threat to minority Alawites and Christians.
The tremendous bloody wave hit the country in the early spring of 2011 with rampant protests across the whole nation against President Bashar al-Assad’s government, whose forces launched violent attacked against civilian protestants. As of April 2014, the total sum of deaths had mounted till it reached more than 190,000.
The United Nations and several international organisations had acknowledged the crisis that overwhelms the country. As over 6.5 million Syrians have been displaced, over 3 million Syrians have fled the country and millions have been left without food, water, houses, education and medical care.
4 Pakistan
Pakistan has been experiencing religious extremism and sectarian violence. Pakistan citizens are targets and victims of terrorist groups, including the Lashkar-e-Tayiba, the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen and the Tehrik-i.
A Policy document on internal national security reads that Pakistan is one of the most affected by terrorism in the world after Iraq, of course. However, the amount of gravity in the attacks tops those bloody attacks of the Middle East.
The report shows that from 2001 to 2013, around 13,721 incidents took place in Pakistan which is relatively less than Iraq. From 2001 to 2005, 523 terrorist incidents stroke the country, yet from 2007 to November 2013, the toll of incidents has increased to 13,198.
Pakistan was on the top of the list of the countries with most terrorist attacks, leading with 1,404 terrorist attacks in 2012, data released by the US National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (Start) states.
3 Nigeria
Nigeria has been a target of ethnic violence due to its diverse pool pf ethno-linguistic groups. The country has been subjected to sectarian violence by terrorist movement Boko Haram that seeks to eliminate the secular system of government and focus on Sharia law apply to the educational system in the country.
Thousands of casualties were the result of the obnoxious attacks. In response, Benin, Chad, Cameroon and Niger allied with Nigeria to combat and take a stand against Boko Haram after the 2014 Chibok kidnapping of 276 schoolgirls. Moreover, 6,118 people in Nigeria were killed in the attacks and 1,595 people were killed in 2013. In other words, 2014 was not a bright year for Nigeria as there were 5,662 more people killed by terrorist groups in 2014 than in 2013.
Terrorism in MNigera is different from terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan; terrorism in Nigeria is organised by gangs and use firearms and knives rather than bombings which are rampant in Iraq and Afghanistan.
2 Afghanistan
Like Boko Haram in Nigeria, Taliban- I bet your familiar with this title if you watch much CNN news- is the most violent terrorist groups that feed on blood in Afghanistan. When foreign troops headed to launch combat missions, the assaults have mounted. A Reuters report demonstrates that civilian casualties increased by 24 percent in the first half of the year to 4,853, according to the United Nations.
The deadliest attack in Afghanistan took place in September 2015; Taliban forces bombed a prison in Kunduz in the north of Afghanistan, causing 240 deaths. It has big death numbers as the total number of deaths since 2000 from such incidents has now reached 22,730.
Surprisingly, Taliban was responsible for around 75 percent of all terrorist attacks in Afghanistan in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Like Nigeria, 2014 in Afghanistan was not bright either as the deadly attacks mounted by over 200 percent higher than 2014, causing 3.9 deaths per attack.
1 Iraq
Iraq tops the list of the most country with terrorist and affected by terrorism in the world. The country’s unstable politics bred thousands of casualties, ruins and bloodstained streets, rendering it a target for terrorists as Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. The casualty records are highly devastating as the number of terrorist attacks in 2015 is nearly 2,415 terrorist incidents, leading to 6,960 deaths and 11,900 injuries. The death toll in 2014 declined by 30% compared to 2014. Iraq was the ultimate target for terrorist networks and attacks since U.S. invasion in 2003. Apparently, Islamic State forces claimed responsibility for around 11,000 deaths, despite the fact that the number of casualties is much higher. Nonetheless, around two-third of 50,538 deaths, since 2000 till now, were caused by terrorism, but not terrorist network have claimed responsibility for them.
“This is the highest number of terrorist incidents and fatalities ever recorded by a single country,” the institute’s press release reads.
Iraq had large parts of its land under the control of Islamic State terrorist group, which seized lands, including major Iraqi cities, like Tikrit, Fallujah and Mosul.
The world is on the edge. Bomber attacks, arms, weapons and grenades are taking over the scene. A scene which is framed by sticks covered with blood and taken from ruins, picturing crying mothers who cannot imagine their children’s future or sobbing children who lost their parents. These are not the last terrorist groups or networks that will be orchestrated, the world will see more blood and ruins till people excavate withing their rusty souls and discover the humanity that was covered with dust and dirt. Not only do the attacks take place in Africa and the Middle East, but also they take place in Europe and America, which means that terrorism knows no borders and should be fought.