Top 10 Tips to Improve Your Score While Writing a SAT Essay
Essay writing is not for everybody. To top it off if you have been assigned to write a SAT test it could be the reason for sleepless nights for many as they do not want to score less and also want to create an impactful impression with their reading, analysis as well as writing skills. There are two options to score good in your SAT essay writing, either get essay help online or follow the 10 following tips which will help you score the highest while writing a SAT essay.
1 Do not break the rules
The easiest way to score low in your SAT essays is not following the given set of rules or even breaking a single rule. Make use of the essay paper provided instead of writing in the booklet. Avoid changing the question and writing with a pen.
2 Time management is important
You will be allotted a 25 minute time span to write your essay. Mark your time as soon as you start writing and divide the allotted 25 minutes appropriately for the different aspects of writing the essay, like brainstorming for the main points, introductory paragraph, paragraphing your examples etc.
3 Take and maintain a stance
A SAT essay is based upon a specific issue which will have two sides to it. You will have to choose a side according to your preference and write about it. Maintain the side which you have chosen otherwise your essay will have a confused feel to it. Also explain the other side of the issue as well which shows your understanding of the subject in hand.
4 Guilt free writing
It’s ok if you do not feel very strongly about what you are writing. The readers will be judging the depth and convolution of your arguments and not your feelings. They will be impressed with the impact of your essay and not with what you originally believe.
5 Don’t even think of changing the subject
This is the most common reasons for scoring a low score in the SAT essays. Students are tempted to change the subject of the essay to match their preferences but it is a fact that the readers are pre-instructed to deliver a zero score in case of such an attempt by any student.
6 Skeletal work
Prepare a skeletal idea of what you want to write in your essay. This will need you brainstorming for ideas and have to manage in the first few minutes of the writing time you have been allotted.
7 Write in a talkative manner
When you want the reader to get involved in your essay you need to keep the tone of the essay on a one to one basis where you write in a way as if you are personally talking to the reader. This highly engages the reader and helps you score high marks.
8 First impression is the last impression
Your introductory paragraph is what will induce your reader to read more and create an engagement of the reader with the essay. Use impactful language related to the subject on habd but avoid mushy and too sweet language.
9 Variations in sentence formation
Monotonous use of words can be boring for the reader and can send too low marks your way. Ensure that you use variations in your sentence formation. This will also convey your command over the language.
10 Neat and clean
Last but not the least, you can also score points for the level of neatness applied while writing the essay. Write the essay in a readable handwriting which can also create a good impression on the reader.
Always proofread your essay before submitting and check for spelling and grammatical errors.