Ideas to Help Spice up Your Love Life
No matter how in love you may be with your partner, there are inevitably going to be times when your relationship begins to dull if only just a bit. When that happens, the relationship typically goes one of two ways: staying the course and hoping it works out or doing something to fix it. So for those looking to add some spice to your love life, we are here to help guide you there.
1 Public displays of affection
This can be a grueling ordeal depending on the kind of person. After all, extremely shy people struggle with making public displays of affection towards their partners. However, if that shyness is causing you to be unable to show affection to your partner in public (assuming that is what they want, of course), it is becoming a serious issue.
Even a small display can make a world of difference towards the happiness and satisfaction of your partner. For example, you could hold their hand, carry something for them, get the door, etc. Public displays of affection are suitable for many things, and express to your partner that you want to show how much affection you have for them and do acts of kindness to your partner.
2 Go on a vacation (just the two of you!)
Getting stuck in a routine is unfortunate, and sometimes, the best way to break that routine is to get away from it all. You may well be used to going on vacations with your kids and other family members, but as life progresses, it may not even occur to you to even try to take a vacation that’s just the two of you. So when planning this, make sure that you have someone who will take care of your home, children, pets, what have you. Once those affairs are in order, you can now look forward to relaxing in a beautiful setting with your lovely partner.
3 Be more adventurous in bed
Romance takes a lot of forms in a relationship, especially in the bedroom. A person’s sex life may be the thing that creates the most issues with things being dull and being more willing to try new things there could very well help make you both happy. For example, you could try less vanilla sex acts, or you could look into buying lingerie sets (either for you or your partner). But, of course, if you find you do not like something, even if your partner does, you should not be made to feel like you should do it. So keep experimenting, and try to find something you both like!
4 Be spontaneous!
Now, we know: spontaneity is not the easiest thing in the world. After all, you may have to be willing to modify your behavior somewhat to be spontaneous. Some people are not very spontaneous, and that’s perfectly okay. However, if your partner is the kind of person who craves excitement and a breath of fresh air, allowing your relationship to fall into a cycle is counterproductive to a happy relationship. So think of ways you can be more spontaneous and unpredictable (though positively — your partner will probably not be receptive to you suddenly pranking them!).
5 Compliment your partner
Often, a relationship struggles because one or both partners forget how important it is to pay each other a good compliment. Compliments are not an emotionally expensive thing, and despite that, they hold a lot of value for their recipients. Compliments can not only reinforce the things that you have always liked about your partner but can also make them feel good about a decision related to the appearance they’ve made. For instance, a woman who adopts a new hairstyle may be thoroughly discouraged if their partner doesn’t even notice. By complimenting her hair, you ensure that she will feel encouraged to continue experimenting with her look.
However, you need to be careful about giving false compliments. It’s one thing if your partner does something you’re not a fan of but appreciate nonetheless, like a tattoo or new hairstyle. Still, if you’re being actively dishonest in your compliment, you may find yourself in an awkward situation with them.
6 Honest communication
One of the biggest causes of death, so to speak, for a marriage is a communication breakdown. Sure, you two may exchange pleasantries, maybe even have a good chat, but when’s the last time you opened up about yourself, or your feelings, or what you want? If you are having trouble coming up with an example, that is a good enough show as any that there is work to be done to improve the communication in the relationship. Mind you that does not necessarily mean that this is a one-sided issue.
Take your time to think about things, and sit down with your partner. If you’re having communication issues, a relationship therapist can help you figure out how to talk to your partner, as well as what to discuss.