
Top 15 Strangest Plants in the World

There are over 270,000 species of plants in the world. While some are quite popular, others have been discovered to be rare. Whatever the case may be, these plants do have their respective functions and…

Top 10 Flowers that Take Years to Bloom

Many flowers bloom and show their flowers every year and every season and others may take years in showing up their blooms. Some species take even centuries to bloom. And that what makes their flowering…

Top 10 Stunning Flowers that Grow in Shades

Flowers are the purest plants for its scent fragrance, colors, and shapes. And there are a lot of species that bloom and give its smell in the shade. To ensure the permanent beauty of these…

Top 10 Seeds You Need for Your Garden

According to recent studies on the social and economic status of home gardeners in the U.S., most are not gardening these days out of necessity. Many wielding the hoe in their own backyards are well…

Top 10 Nootropic Herbs for a Healthy Brain

Natural herbal nootropics are your ideal partner to reach your peak mental potential safely, without the common risks associated with synthetic drugs. If you want to make your brain healthier, here is a quick list…

Top 10 Most Marvelous Animals Thought to be Extinct

Nature is in a continuous change and the laws of evolution are still applied; only the adaptable species survive and stick around. Thousands of species have come to extinction, especially during the past 100 years. The…

Top 10 Deadliest Animals in the USA

After hundreds of thousands of years of evolution when primal humans were forced by nature to evolve in a way that fits the ever changing external conditions. In a world where only the strongest survives, diminishing the…

Top 10 Biggest Birds in The World

Birds are such beautiful creatures no matter what their sizes are; there is something so adorable about them. We may encounter several pet animals and birds every day whether in a pet shop, at friend’s…

Top 10 Scary Flowers That Will Make You Sleep No More …

Black Bat Flower The black bat flower or “tacca chantieri” is a flowering plant under Dioscoreaceae. The plant grows up to 12 inches across with long whiskers that grow up to 28 inches. It is…

Top 10 Unique Wedding Flowers That Never Die

It is every bride’s dream to walk down the aisle looking as stunning and beautiful as ever while her groom is beaming with pride by the altar. A wedding bouquet can add more to your…

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