Most Expensive

Here are the latest top 10 most expensive lists in the world. Updated lists of everything highest expensive things, products and services, most luxurious houses lists and real estate trends. Our lists include watches, schools, jewelry pieces, fashion things and more.

Top 10 Most Expensive Mansions with Prices

Have you dreamed of having the luxurious and most expensive mansion in the world? Below are the top 10 most expensive mansions you can find at present (Sources include: Forbes & business Insiders): Dracula’s Castle…

Top 10 Most Expensive Tea in the World

Tea used to grow mainly in Asia, and specifically in China. The widespread type of it is the Camellia sinensis, which was known of its medicinal effects. Chinese people include myths in their history about…

Top 10 Most Expensive TV Commercials Till Now

Advertising is an important factor in the supply and demand process. It does not only show consumers the best options of the goods they need, but they create their needs on first place. Successful producers…

Top 10 Most Expensive Rolex Diamond Watches for Men & Women

Rolex is a private company that has been designing, manufacturing and distributing wristwatches since 1905. The company was founded by both Alfred Davis and Hans Wilsdorf in London, England, but the founders moved the company’s base of operations…

Top 10 Most Expensive iPhone Applications

It is difficult, and may be impossible, to find a person without a mobile phone or more as using these devices is not limited to a specific age making you find them used by anyone…

Top 10 Most Expensive Fruits in The World

This list is about the most expensive fruits in the world, yet you will find that most of them are about Japanese fruits. Some of it grows specifically in Japan but nowhere else, and others…

Top 10 Most Expensive Pets in The Whole World

We think that our animals do not cost too much. But, these animals can cost thousands or it can cost millions! There are animals that have broken records in the price of what people paid…

Top 10 Most Expensive Hotel Rooms in the World

Imagine that you have a lot of money and you do not know how can you spend it. Will you spend it in meals, clothes, furniture or you prefer to spend a marvelous holiday in…

Top 10 Most Expensive Diamonds In The World

Diamond brilliance is incomparable due to many reasons. A diamond is classified as a rare one according to the following features: clarity, color, cut, and carat weight. Finding a match diamond to these attributes is…

Top 10 Most Expensive Concert Tickets You Can Pay For

“Music is the universal language of mankind” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Music is tasted by everybody regardless of his language or cultural background; it is a uniting magical stick for people. Due to the technological revolution…

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