Most Expensive

Here are the latest top 10 most expensive lists in the world. Updated lists of everything highest expensive things, products and services, most luxurious houses lists and real estate trends. Our lists include watches, schools, jewelry pieces, fashion things and more.

Top 10 Most Expensive Celebrity Gift Ever

If you have money, you can purchase the most expensive gift to your beloved ones. Money can do a lot of things, but not everything. In the celebrity world, you will buy unusual things and…

Top 10 Most Expensive Celebrity Rings

In the field of designing jewellery, we see marvelous designs of solitaire rings. The jewelery  houses have shown up new trends that elevate solitaire rings to the highest level. This makes all of us could…

Top 10 Most Expensive Yachts in the World

Sailing around the world is one of the most interesting and exciting things that you can ever experience in your life. Imagine that you have your own boat or yacht and that you can take…

Top 10 Most Expensive Cell Phones

Cell phones are among the best inventions that have been presented to us. They facilitate the process of communicating with others to be faster and easier regardless of the distance between people and the place…

Top 10 Most Expensive Guns & Other Weapons

Weapons such as knives, pistols, guns and other types of weapons are not only used for fighting and attacking others to defend ourselves, but they are also used by some people as decorative pieces for…

Top 10 Most Expensive Guitars

The guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments especially among kids who usually want to get one when they grow up. It can be found in different genres of music whether this genre…

Top 10 Most Expensive Bikes

There are some people who enjoy moving on the road through using a small engine and just two wheels feeling that they are completely free and may be flying on the road. These are motorbikes…

Top 10 Most Expensive Military Aircraft

Most of the advanced and richest countries in the world spend a lot of money on the military sector to ensure the needed protection for their people and defend their land against any out attacks.…

Top 10 Most Expensive Clothing Brands

Most of the people look for wearing what makes them look fashionable and elegant while there are others who just look for anything that can cover their bodies to be protected from the surrounding weather.…

Top 10 Most Expensive Wedding Bands for Men

Wedding bands that are especially manufactured for men can be purchased in two different ways. They can be found as a set of wedding bands that include one for the bride and another one for…

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