Most Expensive

Here are the latest top 10 most expensive lists in the world. Updated lists of everything highest expensive things, products and services, most luxurious houses lists and real estate trends. Our lists include watches, schools, jewelry pieces, fashion things and more.

Top 10 Most Expensive Engagement Rings of All Time

Every woman wants her engagement to be unique. They want that excitement and feeling that can create a lasting memory. One of the items women cherish the most is their engagement rings. This is because…

Top 10 Most Expensive Cats in The World

Do you like cats? Many people like keeping pets at their homes. You may even find more than one kind of pets at some homes such as cats and dogs. Cats are among the most…

Top 10 Luxury Vacation Destinations

A luxury vacation is precisely that – a luxury. Most of us can’t afford to jet off to Bora Bora or Seychelles at the drop of a hat, so any vacation of this magnitude requires…

Top 10 Most Expensive Buildings in The World

There is no doubt that the field of civil engineering has greatly improved over the years. This is evident in the magnificent edifices being erected in various parts of the world, which usually attracts tourists…

Top 10 Most Expensive Wedding Dresses

There is no girl who does not care about her wedding day and what it will look like in the future. All the girls care about the wedding dress that they will wear on their…

Top 10 Most Expensive Paintings in The World

Do you like art and really care about it? There are many beautiful paintings around the world that are incredibly amazing and fascinate you when you see them, but do you imagine that some of…

Top 10 World’s Most Expensive Shoes

Purchasing a pair of shoes that costs thousands of dollars may rarely happen but what about purchasing a pair of shoes that costs more than that? Can you imagine slipping your feet in a pair…

Top 10 Most Expensive Diamond Rings & Necklaces in the World

Wearing catchy pieces of jewelry plays an important role in increasing your elegance and enhancing your beauty as a woman. If the traditional accessories and jewelry pieces that we wear can do this, what about the…

Top 10 Most Expensive Luxury Perfumes for Men

Perfumes are fantastic for giving that additional pleasant scent to your clothing. The smell of exceptional quality does not come cheap. Having one in your closet will set you back thousands of dollars. Most fragrances…

Top 10 Most Expensive Dogs in the World

Some people consider dogs as the best friends that are even better than human ones. It is believed that dogs are loyal to their owners and this can be rarely found among humans who deceive…

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